PORTIA in MoV, Act 1 Scene 2 :
“If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been churches and poor men’s cottages princes' palaces. It is a good divine that follows his own instructions. I can easier teach twenty what were good to be done than be one of the twenty to follow mine own teaching “
Sleep before 12, Alarm at 8. Phone kept such that I am forced to get out of bed. Never snooze.
Run or do some form of exercise within the hour of waking up. 30 pushups count.
Shower, Meditate, Coffee.
Physically transition from abode to Place of Work
Ensure workspace has - good wifi, well positioned charging point, water and washroom, close to light but filling food.
Ensure you don’t reach levels of hunger that are palpable
Take breaks that don’t involve crass stimulation - i.e. no twitter, newsletter, insta. Considered messages, books, staring into space - ok.
Always try to schedule meetings the day before, not the day off. Try to keep meetings either at the start or at the end of the day.
Stop working once you notice yourself being seriously distracted + unable to pay attention
Force yourself to be active in learning - solve problem sets, actually write code, organize information in new ways
Did we mention food already? Ffs, eating sufficient food is crucial. Eat a big breakfast, drink smoothies, eat sandwiches, plenty of nuts, crackers, hummus, light BUT filling lunch. Hearty dinner.
Hearty dinner at least two, ideally three, hours before sleep.
Respect the bed. The bed is for naps and for sleep. Do not watch TV on the bed. Chatting is ok, but don’t fall asleep chatting. Respect sleep, keep boundaries. Read for 30mins, ideally one hour, before sleeping.
Having a Place of Work that can become impregnated with intention and routine is ideal.
Most important - take good care of the three essentials - sleep, food, exercise. A good day is marked by intentioned rest and wake, hearty food, strong and vigourous movement. Can’t stress this enough. Spend money on groceries. Spend money on buying food. Be smart about it but don’t be miserly. Put effort into packing food, finding food, making food. This effort more than enough pays for itself + makes me happy.
Find space for exercise. Beginning will always be hard, routine is hard. Persevere.
Find space for journalling and for sitting. Can feel like not important, not worth it. Almost always is. I know this in my deepest of minds and hearts.
Be formidable. Speak my mind. Display and embody competence. Be willing to go the extra mile, especially for other people’s benefit. Don’t shy away from conflict or confrontation, if what is at stake is important. Smile. Pause before speaking, try to establish a moment of genuine connection. Pet the cats. Go to the dog shelter. Make time and space every week to go somewhere new and explore. Bump into people, make small talk and big talk. Laugh. Be intense and able to kick back.
The world is waiting for you.